Monday, 5 May 2014

How He Loves By Noell Riepenhoff

“I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves me.” David Crowder, a christian recording artist, inspires me by his motivating words. The quoted song is talking about God’s love and how it never ceases. In my personal life, I am driven to move past what I’ve done and forgive myself because that is what Christ has done for us.

Forgiveness is so beautiful because it releases us from what others have done as well as what we have done. This is one of the most important things to incorporate into a relationship. It is so important to keep Christ in the center of your relationship and marriage. When we become selfish in our relationships we are not bringing glory to God. When I try to take on the task of fixing a problem I have in my relationship, I often fail. I have to rely on God in order for anything worthwhile to get done! John Piper, a christian author and pastor, says that marriage is about keeping a covenant, as Jesus does with his bride, the church. I am going to make a promise to my fiancéand I plan to hold strong to Christ and making Him my center. My marriage will be foremost for Christ’s glory.

My fiancéand I have our struggles, but we are always humbled by the love of God. I am blessed to have a significant other so deeply rooted in Christ. To you who do not have that, I encourage that you turn to God for wisdom. I am praying that you discover you are not alone on this journey. He is with you every step of the way.

Your sister in Christ, Noell

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  • How He Loves By Noell Riepenhoff “I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves me.” David Crowder, a christian recording artist, inspires me by his motivating words. The quoted song is talking about God’s love and how i… Read More


  1. A noteworthy inspirational post. I am humbled by God's love - there was a time I did not see myself worthy of anything because most of my life my experiences with the way I felt about myself came out of rejection, physical abuse and pain of failed relationship/marriage. It was not until I began to experience true love from God and Him teaching me how to love others through His heart that I began to see things differently. Thanks for sharing your story. God bless you!

  2. Thanks a lot for stopping by. Keep visiting

