Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Stress & The Bedroom

Let’s be real, stress and the bedroom have very little in common. When you think about the bedroom there are a couple of other things you rather do than to battle the big S.

Stress is taking over our lives. Family doctors are now treating more stress related illness than any other illness. So what is the solution? What if you can’t afford to take a vacation right now but you need to de-stress?

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Well I am going to throw my hat in the ring on the topic of stress. I will share with you my personal ideas, ways and things that I do to take the stress off. The bedroom is for more than what you think it is. Let’s be creative!!!

READ the entire story in the May 2014 issue of RED WINE Magazine
Don’t forgot to get your copy

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  1. Hi Diana,

    Yes, stress is a part of our lives, and even if we don't want to, because of the amount of stress we have in our life, it IS carried to our bedrooms.

    Of course the ultimate choice always lies in our hand, whether we want to carry stress with us right through or leave it when we enter our homes at least. You need to be creative as you mentioned and find ways to de-stress yourself and your life, isn't it?

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead :)

    1. Hello Harleena,

      Happy to see you on my blog. I am a big fan of your blog.

      Thanks for comment.


  2. What does any of this have to do with religion? Is Jesus really interested in recipes, fashion trends, and fancy cars?

    1. It doesn't mean that Jesus interested in recipes, fashion trends any fancy cars etc. I just want to explain that we should make our room clean because God loves clean and fresh environment.

      And because of God's grace we can buy these fancy cars, fashion products etc.


  3. I think a typical everyday solution to handling stress is allowing yourself to calm down before responding. Taking on too much too soon makes it overwhelming.

    I like to take a few deep breaths then continue on. It helps relax me. Sometimes a simple break helps you bring it together.


    1. yes, you are right Lea, every person has a different ideas to feel relax.


  4. Wine is a great stress reliever for me :-).

    I have often thought about meditating as I've heard that is a great stress reliever. Have to get a little more patience to really give it a shot though.

    Stress will have be a part of our lives. We just need to figure out how to deal with it.


  5. Glad to know that wine is a stress reliever for you Lesliez.

